Sunday, March 8, 2015

North & South: The Widening Gap

How did the economies of the North and South in the 1840s and 1850s widen the gap between the two regions AND become a factor in leading to Civil War?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Manifest Destiny: A cause of Civil War

Based on your reading in Chapter 13, defend or refute the statement that Manifest Destiny was a cause of the Civil War.  You must include evidence from your reading to support your position.  This will be due by the end of the day March 7.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Supreme Court and Nationalism

Summarize each of the following Supreme Court cases - include how they promoted nationalism over sectionalism:

McCulloch v Maryland

Gibbons v Ogden

Fletcher v Peck

Dartmouth College v Woodward

Cohens v Virginia

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Do you think the politicians today are as concerned about the well being of the nation as the founding fathers that you just studied were? Give some insight to your opinion


We are going to be adventurous this semester in AP USH and incorporate some of the digital tools used in 21st century schools.  As we go through the remainder of the course, I will be posting questions about what were are covering.  You will respond to the questions and to each other's comments (nicely, of course).  I hope you will enjoy this activity.