Monday, March 2, 2015

Manifest Destiny: A cause of Civil War

Based on your reading in Chapter 13, defend or refute the statement that Manifest Destiny was a cause of the Civil War.  You must include evidence from your reading to support your position.  This will be due by the end of the day March 7.


  1. I defend the statement. The Manifest Destiny was the 19th century belief that the expansion of the U.S throughout the American continent was both justified and inevitable. Majority of young Americans thought this expansion was good but the earliest Americans did not. The idea was stimulated by nationalism but ended up creating more sectionalism. As these new lands were being created the north and south began to debate over whether or not these land would be free or have slaves. These disputes led to more and more sectionalism which lead to the civil war. This event was definitely a contributing factor to the civil war.

  2. I defend that the statement Manifest Destiny was a cause of the Civil War. Manifest Destiny was a prevalent during the 19th century of american expansion. The United States was made to stretch from one coast to the other coast. One of the common things being decided on was whether or not these new states should become slave states or be a free state. This eventually lead to western settlement, but also the Native American removal and the war with Mexico. Their goal was to take the Oregon Territory, Mexico, and California. The desire for more land brought homesteaders to the frontier. Gold was eventually found in California and this caused many immigrants to move to this area. Many different disputes occurred during this time period between the people. Conflicts definitely tore the nation apart. Therefore, yes it eventually did lead to a Civil War being declared.

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  4. I disagree that Manifest Destiny was a cause of the Civil War. Manifest Destiny in itself was simply the idea that we should expand the nation from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The Northern States were already starting to out-populate the Southern States which is what was giving them a political edge. They were, for a while, the only states to have a President come out of them, and were in control of the House of Representatives due to their increased populations. If we were to have not have expanded, and everything else in history was to be carried out and the introduction of new technologies, such as the prominent textile mills in New England, the Northern States would have still taken advantage of them, whereas Southern States would have mostly stuck agriculture (Cotton). Tariffs would have risen to give the newly developing businesses in the Northern States a fighting chance against foreign businesses that’ve already had these new technologies and perfected them. Foreign trade was what the South relied on, creating an even larger disparity in their economic development. While Manifest Destiny did create some conflict, it was always pacified with compromise, where neither side really won or lost, and balance was always kept in mind. The real cause of the civil war came out of the Southern States feeling inadequate, and less valued by the union compared to the Northern States by the union. Manifest Destiny and the fighting over Slave States versus Free States was simply fought to force the Federal Gov’t to keep their needs in mind.

  5. When you analyze the Manifest Destiny, it was just a belief that the US should be dominant from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic. Although, that gave Americans the sense of pride and nationalism, it didn't cause the Civil War. The Civil War was a dispute between the north and south (or the free states and slave states) and their different outlooks on slavery. Since the US was expanding the west, the people wanted to carry the southern acceptance of slavery along as well. The north opposed and they both fought about it; therefore, due to the manifest destiny and the motive to expand westward, it did cause the civil war.

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  7. Personally, I defend the Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny created a surge among Americans for westward expansion. Books and newspapers urged expansion into the West, which resulted in large wagons headed for California and Oregon via the Santa Fe Trail. The migration west went through certain territories, which later became states: Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. As new lands were being settled and eventually incorporated into the Union, the North and South disputed over whether these new states would be slave states or free states. The status of some states were settled without conflict, but other states, like Kansas, had major issues. These conflicts divided the nation further and further, eventually leading to the Civil War. The violent and extreme emotions stirred by this on-going conflict were also a major cause of the Civil War. Therefore, yes, Manifest Destiny was a factor of the Civil War.

  8. I disagree with the idea that the Manifest Destiny caused the Civil War. The addition of states and the disagreement of free/slaved states was very controversial, but tensions between states were already present. The argument about slavery was a very important part of slavery, as the free states started outnumbering slave states and breaking the balance. Also, states believed that their rights weren't fully given and many states believed their governments should overpower the federal government. The tensions made many southern states want to secede from the Union. Therefore, the dream of expansion of the nation was not the cause of the Civil War.

  9. The Manifest Destiny was a simple belief that literally all the Americans had. It was an idea that their dominance was spread throughout the world, which did not cause the Civil War. The Civil War was between two states that had a disagreement that had nothing to do with the Manifest Destiny.

    1. it was more than two states-do you think the spread of slavery would be an issue with manifest destiny?

  10. I don't believe that the Manifest Destiny was the cause of the civil war. The manifest destiny was the belief that the United States was destined and justified to expand and stretch from sea to sea. What caused the Civil War was the different beliefs on slavery. The North opposed slavery in the new territory while the South supported it. There were more free states than slave states so it caused tension within the country. Overall, the Manifest Destiny didn't directly cause the Civil War but it was a playing factor.

  11. I do not believe that the Manifest Destiny was a cause of the Civil War. Manifest Destiny is the belief that the United States was destined to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Although it did cause conflicts over the number of slave and free states I do not think it was a cause of the Civil war.

    1. what evidence do you have to support your position

  12. I defend the idea that the Manifest Destiny was a cause of the civil war. This time period in which we believed that the US was destined to have dominance over all of the Americas influenced many of our decisions, as in land we took and laws we made. This time stirred up more conflict between the free states and the slaves states that was faded out for a while in history. During the Manifest Destiny, every time we gained new land there was problems in deciding if we should allow these new states as free or slave states, Almost every single time there was a dispute about the newly acquired land, a compromise was put in place to somewhat extinguish the flames, but this proved to only work temporarily. This is why i believe the Manifest Destiny played a role in causing the Civil War. Comment by Bryce PM

  13. Yes, I do believe Manifest Destiny was a cause of the civil war. President James K. Polk, a strong believer in manifest Destiny, provoked the Mexican-American War. In doing so, America got more territory from Mexico. Along with this issue came the issue of allowing slavery in these newly acquired lands. Some people, mostly the Northern colonies, thought that slavery should be outlawed in the new territory. They attempted to achieve this with things like the Wilmot Proviso (which failed to pass as a law.) Others, mostly the Southern colonies, thought that slavery should be allowed in the new territories. This difference in views helped draw a split in the North and the South that would continue to be drawn deeper and later would become a catalyst for the Civil War.

  14. I believe that the belief in manifest destiney may have played a part in the civil war however it was not the main cause. Manifest destined was the belief that the U.S. would spread, and it did spread with the winning of Texas, California ect. All these states were free states leaving the U.S. with more states that were free than there were with slaves. They were unbalanced. So on that note it did play apart but in reality the northern states who were free states had started to gain more government influence so I think that's were tensions really started.

  15. The Manifest Destiny definitely played a large role in the development of the issues that would eventually lead to the American Civil War. True, there were already tensions between the Northern and the Southern states; however, the two sides were cyclically pacifying each other in order to avoid a war. Manifest Destiny was widely seen as a great thing and nearly all American citizens wanted it to come true. Unfortunately, when the Manifest Destiny was realized, it caused a disparity between the Northern and Southern sections of the country. The disparity led to the South feeling outnumbered and undervalued, and eventually led to their secession and the Civil War.

  16. The manifest destiny was a popular belief that United States was destined to secure territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The expansion to the west resulted in acquired new lands, and people came along to make settlements. As the new territories grow, they wanted to enter the Union and it became a problem. The unbalanced number of free states and slave states created tension between the North and the South. The dispute between the North and the South eventually led us into Civil War, therefore I believe that the manifest destiny indirectly played a significant role in contribution of civil war.

  17. Yes there was tension between the North and South but neither side wanted a war. Both the North and South tried to pacify the other to avoid a conflict. The Manifest Destiny was a common and popular belief throughout the country. It wasn't till the Manifest Destiny was applied did the two sides, North and South, really start having conflicts. With the belief that the United States should be dominant over America,there were many influential people that wanted to expand the territory. Such as President Polk, he stated he was to serve one term and expand the territory to Texas, Oregon, and California. With the expansion came the debate over whether the lands were to be slave or free states; every time there had to be a compromise to temporarily settle the differences. With each new land came the same old debate, building up pressure from the South, and soon led to the civil war. So yes the Manifest Destiny played a role in the civil war.

  18. I believe that the manifest destiny was a cause of the Civil War. New lands were being settled and pushed to become part of the Union. The north and the south disputed over if these new states would be slave states or free states. The position of many states were settled without conflict, but others were not. These complications created tension leading to the nation growing further and further apart. This eventually led to the Civil War.

  19. I do not support the statement that Manifest Destiny was the cause of the war, but I will agree that it was a contributing factor. As mentioned previously President Polk's plan to expand the U.S. across the american continent was in an attempt to conj-er up the little scraps of nationalism left in the states but it back fired as the new land allowed for the sections to grab for power. The establishment of Missouri and Maine are just two examples of how the north and the south grabbed for power. I feel that the Civil War was inevitable, the north and the south were, and still are, so economically different that one could not be dominant as long as the other one remained which lead to clashes and ultimately the war.

  20. The manifest destiny is the belief in the expansion of westward was all preordained and it is our destiny. in relation to the civil war, I do believe that this was a cause of the civil war. People were using this a an excuse for many things at the time. One of the excuse of fighting probably wads that it was their destiny for the civil war to occur. With the expansion westward, new laws between the free states & slaves states had to occur causing more conflicts. So yes, I believe this was a cause of the civil war.

  21. I do not defend that the manifest of destiny was the cause of the civil war. The manifest of destiny was for the expansion of the U.S. When the Mexicans took Texas they said no slaves. The Americans brought slaves, but most important part was that they wanted to have their own government. It was a factor because the question on do we want slavery or not was still in the air. The Missouri Promise and free ans non free states had a lot to do with the civil war and the evolution of the confederates. So the manifest of destiny was a factor but did not push to the civil war.

  22. I believe that manifest destiny was the cause of the civil. America reached a point in time where we as a nation began to want more. Westward expansion allowed for many citizens to build on that principle idea. Our attitude was changing and manifest destiny was a key component to our nations landscape. Indirectly manifest destiny was the cause for many of the issues that led to the civil war (Missouri compromise, Maines entrances as a state, etc) and without it their wouldn't have been the ultimate outcome of a civil war.

  23. The belief in Manifest Destiny was only an incidental cause of the division of the nation. The real cause of the division was the issue of slavery and the differences it caused between North and South. However Manifest Destiny created a surge among Americans to expand westward which led to the issue of slave and free states. As new lands were being settled and eventually pushed to become part of the Union, the North and the South disputed over whether or not these new states would be slave states or free states. The status of some states were settled without conflict, but other states, most notably Kansas had a large amount of violence that occurred because of disagreements regarding the status of blacks. These conflicts tore the nation further and further apart, eventually leading to the declaration of the Civil War.

  24. I believe the Manifest Destiny wasn't the cause of the civil war but a major factor. Manifest Destiny was the idea that the United States was destined by God to enlarge its territory to a significant degree.The idea did not explicitly state how much territory the US deserved to have. This idea in itself did not really divide the nation. The vast majority of people believed in it. It did cause problems, however, when combined with the issue of slavery. The belief in Manifest Destiny caused the US to expand.This caused problems because it led North and South to disagree over whether the new territory should be free or slave. the idea of Manifest Destiny facilitated the division of the nation but did not cause it.

  25. I personally believe that Manifest destiny was not the sole cause of the civil war. It was a major factor that can not be denied. The expansion of the west that Americans belived was their destiny made slavery a bigger issue than it already was, and only made the differences between the north and the south more apparent. It may have opened up for the probalem, but slavery amoung other things also played a key role in the civil war.
